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Absorbents & Spill Kits
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Our wide selection of absorbent kits can help you tackle spills large and small. Use absorbent pads or granular and powdered absorbents for indoor and outdoor cleanup. These products efficiently absorb liquids, making them must-haves for cleaning up, containing, and controlling accidental spills or messes created while changing motor fluids in a garage, for example. Grease, oil, and water are no match for our kits.
Use our Super-Sorb absorbent to immediately absorb 60 times the product’s weight — perfect for disposing of urine, vomit, blood, and more. We also offer sorbent pads for cleaning up hazardous materials. Stock up on our oil absorbents today!
Unisan: Your Top Bulk Cleaner Source
At Unisan, we proudly offer high-quality commercial cleaning supplies and personal protective equipment. Since 1993, our family-owned business has helped companies and educational institutions maintain clean, healthy, and safe spaces for employees and guests. Thanks to our more than 25 years of industry experience, you can rely on us to provide you with effective and reliable products every time you shop with us.
Our products aren’t the only thing Unisan is known for. We also stand out for our one-of-a-kind customer service and trusted inventory and supply chain needs. Whatever you need, we’ve got it in stock for you! Request a quote now!
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What kinds of hazardous materials can sorbent pads absorb?
Use the oil absorbents to absorb hydraulic oils, jet or diesel fuel, gasoline, and light oils. You can also absorb acids like nitric, sulfuric, and hydrochloric acid using these sorbent pads. They can help ensure effective and quick spill response when you’re working with caustic soda or sodium hydroxide, too.
2. What are absorbent socks used for?
These absorbent products are excellent for containing a spill by surrounding it to keep it from spreading. You may place socks around leaky machines to absorb spills, drainage, leaks, seepage, and overspray. They’re also often used in the industrial setting to address nuisance solvent or coolant drips, as well as to absorb condensation from beneath coolers and freezers.
3. What’s the difference between powdered and granular absorbent products?
These products have a few major differences. Powdered products feature fine particles that clump easily when they come into contact with a spill. They are well suited for small spills. You may need to handle them carefully to keep their fine particles from dispersing during cleanup.
Granular products contain larger particles that don’t create clumps unless they become wet. Some can hold as much as quadruple their weight, so they’re a top choice for cleaning up water, antifreeze, and oil spills. They’re also easy to clean up: Seamlessly collect, bag, and dispose of them.